Leadership Team meets on the third Sunday of the month, immediately after 10:00am worship. All are welcome to attend these meetings




The Leadership Team meets monthly and is responsible for the life and ministry of the church. It plans, implements, and advises on the various ministries of the church. It offers support and encouragement to the ministries as it seeks to fulfill the church’s vision. The following leaders are on the team: Trustee Chair, Treasurer, SPPRC Chair, Delegate to Annual Conference, Lay Leader, Finance Chair, Nominations, Mission, At-Large, and Recording Secretary. This team of leaders also comprises the Committees on Nominations and Leadership Development, Staff-Pastor-Parish Relations, and Finance.

Current leaders, listed in alphabetical order, are:

David Bonnewell, Annual Conference Delegate; Gary Bonnewell, Leadership Team Chair & Lay Leader, Stakeholders; Melanie Cramer, At-Large, Stakeholders; Peter Griffin, Finance Chair, Stakeholders; Valerie Reagh, Recording Secretary (non-voting); Steve Loomis, Trustees/ Endowment Chair; Linda Rienerth, Treasurer; Ryan Schaeffer, Senior Pastor/ Nominations Chair, Stakeholders; Steve Vegh, Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Chair & Missions Chair; and G. Bill Whitehurst, At-Large.

* All (except the Recording Secretary) also serve as the members of Finance, Mission, Nominations, and Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committees.


Trustees and Endowment

Our church trustees meet biannually as Christian stewards of both the physical property of the congregation and gifts made to the congregation. In this manner, they ensure that the disciple-making ministries of the congregation are effective, and that local legal requirements related to the property are satisfied. They also award college scholarships to members who apply and meet the requirements.

Current leaders, listed in alphabetical order, are:

Kathy Bariteau, Margaret Belvin, Debbie Bonnewell, Peter Griffin, Steve Loomis – Chair, Howard Martin, Donna Nash, Mark Rienerth, Ryan Schaeffer Senior Pastor; and G. Bill Whitehurst.