Sunday Worship


“Jesus said, ‘For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.'” ~Matthew 18:20

Join us each Sunday at 10:00am for our relaxed, traditional Worship service in our sanctuary. Enter the door facing Stockley Gardens. For our calendar, click here.

Thanks to a face-lift to our sanctuary, our physical space mirrors the genuine warmth of Christian love that Ghent UMC has always expressed to guests and to long-time worshipers alike. Extending beyond a fresh coat of paint, we have added a Welcome Center that incorporates Ghent Church’s deeply-rooted, warm and welcoming spirit. 

Our Welcome Center, at the back of the sanctuary, offers a space for coffee and conversation  before and after services. And you are welcome to take your coffee or tea right to your chair with you.

Several gliders at the rear of the sanctuary allow parents to remain fully included in worship while they rock or soothe infants and toddlers.

We are an extremely kid-friendly church.  Studies show that having children stay with their families in worship leads to greater spiritual maturity that they will carry forward with them into adulthood.  We also provide activity books for kids during worship. Scroll down for more about what we do for kids and families at Ghent UMC.

Click here for details 

Watch Past Sermons & Services



Messy Church

Have you been yearning for a different kind of church? A kind of church that allows you to connect with God and with others in a more personal way? A kind of church that celebrates families and individuals of all ages coming together to be, to make, to eat and to celebrate God?

If you have answered yes to these questions, then Messy Church is for you!

Messy Church meets at a time, and in a space, that suits people for whom traditional church doesn’t generally work.

It typically includes a welcome, a long creative time to explore the Biblical theme through “getting messy” with crafts and activities; a short interactive celebration time involving a story, prayer, and music; and a sit-down meal together at tables. The entire experience is designed for people of all ages!

Go to Our Messy Church Facebook Group

Click Here for Any Upcoming Events

A different kind of church for You or your family



Children’s Message

Pastor Ryan Schaeffer delivers a brief Children’s Message each week immediately prior to the reading of the Scripture and the adult sermon. Children may come up to the altar, where Pastor Ryan will discuss an age appropriate theme that correlates with the week’s scripture and adult sermon, using tangible objects and examples that help children engage more readily and enthusiastically in their faith.

Children’s Church

At the conclusion of the Children’s Message, children aged 3 through 5th grade are invited to attend Children’s Church, just down the hall from the sanctuary. During this time, there is an age-appropriate Bible lesson that corresponds with the adult sermon, whenever possible. Crafts and activities are offered to reinforce the lesson. Children are dismissed back to the sanctuary during the sermon hymn. Two adults are with the children at all times. Children’s Church is completely optional. You are welcome to keep your child(ren) in worship with you, if you prefer.