Welcome to Ghent UMC!
We are so glad you are thinking about joining us for worship! Everyone here–from your neighbor in the pews to Pastor Ryan–is eager to make you feel welcome and to assist you with any questions you may have.
During your time with us, please fill out the Connection Card. You can find it at the back of our seats in the sanctuary. Then leave it in the offering box. Adding your email helps us to keep you informed and to respond to your interests and needs in the future. Better yet, let us know you’re coming by clicking here, so we can look forward to your visit!
Please scroll down to find answers to questions frequently asked about our church.

What time is Sunday Worship?
We have worship on Sunday mornings at 10a.m. with announcements. It is a relaxed, traditional worship service with piano and/or organ music.
How do I worship online or hear the sermons?
You can see some of our previously recorded services, sermons and videos on our Facebook page or on our on our GUMC YouTube Channel.
Is there Sunday School?
Sunday Bible Discussion for Adults is in person 9:00 – 9:45a.m. We have other small group opportunities for all ages on a weekly or monthly basis.
Can I bring my children to worship?
Absolutely! Children are always welcome to our 10a.m. worship service. After the children’s message, children aged 3 – 5th grade may go to children’s church in the church library for a brief Bible lesson, activity or craft. Younger children may go to the nursery or stay in worship. If you prefer to keep your children with you in the sanctuary, that is great, too.
Is there child care?
We offer safe, responsible care for our children during our 10:00 am worship. We have two professional CPR certified child care providers. Families are welcome to have children remain in the sanctuary with them, however.
Do I need to dress up?
Dress in a manner that is comfortable for you. At worship services, as well as at all other church functions, you will find people who are dressed casually and people who “dress up.”
I’ve made some bad decisions in life. Am I still welcome?
Absolutely. At Ghent UMC, we know that no one is perfect; so we welcome everyone to come and learn of the grace, love, mercy and forgiveness that God offers us.
Tell me about Holy Communion at Ghent UMC.
We celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month. You do not have to be a member of this church or even of the United Methodist Church to receive Communion. All who seek to lead a life following the way of Christ are welcome to the Lord’s Table.
Children may receive Communion, even prior to Confirmation. Even children who do not want to receive communion may come forward to receive a blessing from the pastor.
Parking for Sunday worship is available in the lot behind the church. Enter through the Stockley Gardens door. Street parking is also available on Raleigh Avenue and Stockley Gardens. The Raleigh Avenue (side) entrance is locked for safety reasons but can be exited.
How can I get in touch with church staff?
Our church’s staff members or Pastor are usually available Monday – Friday, 9am – Noon or by appointment. They also come to the church building, as needed. To contact church staff, click here to access their email addresses or call the church office at 757-622-2843 and leave a message. Our voice mail is monitored, in general, Monday through Friday. Messages will be returned, as soon as possible.